Standing up for a Rhode Island education system that better prepares every student to meet the demands of our future economy.

Advocating for students with an informed business perspective

Rhode Island Businesses for Better Education is an alliance of businesses and business organizations committed to taking action that improves Rhode Island’s public K-12 system. Our top priority is ensuring that every student is provided a high-quality education to meet the demands of Rhode Island’s future competitive economy.

Rhode Island businesses have long agreed that our schools must provide every student with access to a high-quality education that prepares them for college and career. Through RIBBE, Rhode Island’s business community is demanding better results for every student, no matter their district.

We will focus on advocacy, accountability, and regional and national best practices. Our initial agenda will center around the urgent crisis of student absenteeism, the need to transform and innovate career and college pathways, and the state’s lingering gaps in student achievement.

Our Values

  • Equity

  • High Standards & Accountability

  • Innovation & Modernization

  • Support

  • Workforce Readiness